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Dragon Heart

A co-creation between
Susie Smith of Aiya Starsounds & PipEssence

We absolutely LOVE dragons!! And this co-creation has been an utter joy to bring to you.  For all the ancient knowledge, power and truth that Dragons contain, they continue to bring their celestial and deep wisdom, to assist us here on Earth.

This water memory is here to stoke the very essence of you into being, and to offer powerful energy transfers to take place to enrich and give courage on your scared soul journey. To feel their knowing gaze, to feel their inner fires burning away all density, to feel their wings of freedom. They wish for us to feel their love for us, as we move past the illusions that unite our hearts together as one family.

Similar to the deep, vast caves that they would often reside in, they are sharing their freedom codes with us. Empowering us to let our internal fires shape and mould our passions for our New Era.


There is so much Magick from the Dragons that they carry in this creation too, that have been patiently waiting to ignite our hearts, in standing tall and unifying with our true capabilities we each share. Combined with the botanical Akashic record holders of the Fern plant, its sacred knowing unfurls its feather-like leaves in divine order and presence to witness and share information through the millions of years.  The Fern reminds me of uncoiling an historic scroll that holds primordial codes through all the ages. The Fern vibration shares its information for us to nourish our being with the original ‘green- prints’ of the Great Mother Gaia – and as witness to the evolution of all the sentient beings that have gone before. This water memory shares an energetic transmission to unfurl and awakens our part of the whole on our unique life path.


Four waters, with the Fern infusion were added with the elemental earth crystals on a 11-11 day, witnessed by the ancient presence of the stones circle of Avebury. As the golden morning sun shone brilliantly throughout, the dimensional channel of Aiya then brought through the dragon codes of light language and sounds that amplified 100-fold, absorbed and recorded by the water memory, the air and the land.


This vibrational essence is for those wishing to deepen their connection with the incredible legions of Dragons, for those who create elemental rituals and ceremony, for those who seek to shape inner patterns and bring through Earth medicine. These droplets are to vision and journey with. For space and home clearing. Blessing an outdoor place in nature such as sacred sites and chakras of our planet, temples/churches/ caves/ ley-lines and stone circles.  Shamanic healing treatments, safe passage and travel (share inside and outside of the car), bathing rituals, invoking protection – freedom-breaking karmic chains, or the many other creative guidance that is personal to you.

For the written channel from Susie and Aiya on the Dragon Heart Consciousness. Please click HERE.


Dragon Heart supports:

  •  An invitation to create a clearer connection between the mind and the soul wisdom that resides in the heart so that our higher spiritual guidance may come through clearer.

  •  Our inner work by encouraging us to ask ourselves: What wants to ignite and wake up inside of me as my passions and soul gifts?

  • Our growth by filling us with their energy to touch places, people and situations for renewal, strength, or for personal areas where we want to take on greater responsibility.

  • Speaking up and taking charge of a situation, as they bring in their wings of protection and abundance of empowerment.

  • In encouraging the clearing of All denseness.

  • In shifting into the Quantum and connecting with the Cosmic Oneness that is embracing us.

  • In calling in their Magick to support All aspects of your Life.

  • In assisting us in carrying a higher level of frequency as they assist the upgrade of the DNA.

  • In connecting and grounding the frequencies of Dragon Heart Vibrations codes that are held in our physical and ground this essence with Gaia.​


General suggestions on ‘How to use’.

With an open and loving heart: Spray ‘Dragon Heart’ a few times above the crown of your head, as high as your arm will reach. As the droplets pass your nose, breathe the droplets deeply towards your heart and visualise your heart expanding to meet all edges of your aura/ energy field in a brilliant gold – emerald, green colour.


For alternative suggestions with Dragon Heart:

  • Take a few centred breaths and settle your awareness into your high heart. Expand your heart field and feel into where you sense the Dragon Heart droplets would like to connect with your body.

  •  Create a moment to tune in to your higher mind and ask how you would like the droplets to connect and set your intention. For example, ‘I call forth the consciousness of the dragons to assist me in connecting with my intuitive wisdom. For the highest good of all’. Or ‘I ask that I absorb the Dragon codes of Light into my heart’. Or ‘I ask to be infused with Dragon Consciousness, so I may begin writing my new chapter of becoming’. Alternatively, ‘I ask to receive the presence of the Air/ Earth/ Fire/ Water/ Spirit Dragons to protect this space. And so, it is.’ Or ‘I ask to visit my personal dragon in dream time tonight and receive its company and wisdom’. 

  • Speak out aloud with clarity how you want the droplets to assist as this holds more power than purely sharing a thought. (Also, by acknowledging their presence, we can engage their active support).

  • Either spray a large heart shape above your head, breathing the droplets inwards as they pass your nose (this shape can be sprayed in front of you to walk through and then walk backwards again, so that the back of your body receives energetically too.). Or alternatively, spray around the main door to protect, clear and release. Alternatively, spray an inward spiral onto your left hand and place this on your High Heart, then visualise the energy moving down towards your inner fires and Sun within your solar plexus to receive the energy in your right hand.  Use your right hand to then translate via (for example) a journal, a blank piece of paper, dancing with music, speaking out aloud (i.e. ways to express what you have received).

  •  For a whole body-field/ auric immersion: spray above your head as far as your arm will reach, breathe inwards as the droplets pass your nose and sweep the rest of the droplets around the whole of your body, lifting each foot, sweeping the energy upwards past your spine, so that you are creating a circle of these droplets with the whole of your energy field. When you sweep over the top of your head, place one hand on your high heart and the other on your solar plexus.

  • Pause to receive the Dragon wisdom and vibration. Allow the subtle vibrations to be within you. Gently move your body or sketch, read, create, journal or sound if you feel guided.

  • You may want to share these dragons’ ignited droplets, during sacred ceremonies or situations where you are seeking renewal as you move forward.

  • This essence is complimentary for working with the Spirit of Dragon, Communication with the Elements, for shamanic healing treatments, for remembering, for recovery from long term illness, for speaking dragon language, making sacred objects or for all other loving dimensional contact with these sentient creatures.


Naturally, follow what your inner guidance shares with you. Amplify your heart fields daily. Choose your day to be high vibration, create a path of amplified Love and clarity of mind, and be part of the Divine flow of a new quality of Light that the Dragon consciousness is part of.


Vibrational contents and ingredients.

Each 100ml bottle contains pure Dartmoor water, glacial alcohol as a preservative.

Waters from: Bratton Spring, St. Aldhelm’s Well and Cheddar Spring.

Crystal Vibrations: Turquoise, Kunzite, Quartz Mr Skull, Caribbean Calcite and the Ocean and Moorland Quartz Dragons.

Sound: Aiya Dragon language, frequencies, crystalline codes, tones, notes, amplified sounds.

Other Vibrations: Fern water infusion and Spiny Wood fern Oil

(Celestial method).

Created on a 11-11 Remembrance and Peace filled day. Witnessed by the prehistoric presence from the Avebury Stone Circle, whilst the vibrant yellow sun shone radiance through the still and pristine sky.

Fragrance: Holy Thorn, Rosemary, and Galbanum (less than 1%).


Further Information or advice:

If you would like further information or advice on Dragon Heart, please do not hesitate to contact us. Or for more on Susie’s path and Aiya visit:



£22.00 per 100ml bottle plus postage and packaging. To make a purchase please visit our Shop.

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