Inner Chalice

To be held within a circle of sisters whilst you cry, laugh, process, release, connect, create, surrender, celebrate and renew is one of the most powerful and sacred experiences you can ever receive.
A container that is created, for these parts of us to come through, helps to hold and release and pour out when the right time presents. The Chalice creates this container, as sacred space, for those aspects within ourselves to rise and come through. These inner waters that we carry in our bodies namely, within our sacral chakra and womb area, is the seat of our remembering, our creativity and becoming.
As we move through life, we may often forget the inner child or the younger version of ourselves as the girl that we were/are, and some of those qualities of innocence, freedom, vulnerability, curiosity, creative, pure and imaginative along with it too. These attributes may have naturally fallen into forgetfulness or external patterns that influenced change, that they too soon slip into the past as a distant remembering.
For all who may link in with the Divine encoding of the Feminine. This water memory acts like an innocent and kind ally companion, as the memories and seeds within us opens to the Light. These droplets share the energetic links to reconnect, reclaim and celebrate our authentic, pure selves in a web of Maiden- Sisterhood – Maternal- Wise Woman – Sacred Feminine Energy.
Let these droplets hold and Love you in a weaving of emotional layers of support as you flow to remember, heal, reclaim forgotten aspects and celebrate the beauty- filled young girl/ woman inside of you.
From a revisit of a retreat venue in Avalon, lovingly guided by Sonraya Grace, the gentle emphasis was to reconnect and reclaim our Maiden selves. There were creative exercises to tune in with our bodies, journey with visualisations, create flower crowns of Sovereignty and so much more. Each moment being honoured and held. We moved, we breathed, set intentions, danced, visualised, shared and reflected. Our container was one that brought out the best in each of us there, in our own unique way. A retreat that is truly cherished and anchored in.
One of the retreat highlights was to have private use of the White Spring, that really brought through the playful, courageous spirit that may have been laying dormant! The touch of these Divine waters around the whole of my being reignited the connections with the Great Mother and her sacred flows. The remembering of Oneness, like the sacred air we breathe, the pure water flows that comes from the mountains, that falls from our sky and creates rivers towards the seas. I felt incredibly blessed and humbled to be reminded of this. My body then reminded me of the incredible connection with the Cenote water in Mexico that brought through such a positive initiation that birthed PipEssence.
As a group of sisters together we laughed, sang, encouraged, and shared courage to be open and celebrate! Precious beyond our single identity and Humanness this raw cave of beauty of the White Spring held us in such a way that these memories will al-ways be treasured.
This water memory comes from ‘Maiden Spring’ also in Avalon, where the energies there were so supportive, pure and gentile you could hear a pin drop. The Spring itself is completely held and protected by the many nature spirits and trees that surrounded this innocent space. As humans we were being watched and received as we approached individually to be with the Spring. There was an honouring of self and the Spring to be with Her in quiet contemplation and/ or energetic exchange.
The bird song was in cascade of Springtime fertile joy. We witnessed both the Wren and blackbirds sing their melodies out. I have to share at this point, the shade of Green was incredibly luminous- set off by the Light yes, though there felt an added texture of growth and aliveness that I do not feel I have experienced before.
The waters were collected a day after the Scorpion Full moon so that the land and waters received and settled in the new energies, and the reset created by the Cosmos. In honouring of these collected waters when they were brought home, they were placed by the Sphinx, crystals, womb bowl all held under the constant song from the blackbird. These waters were brought in and preserved on the day I consider a celebration of Mary Magdalene on the 22nd May.
The scented notes reflect the triple stages of the goddess or the chakra energies of the Womb, Throat and Heart:
Damiana – A warm and sweet overtone that is links in with playfulness, love and creativity.
Hyssop - A purifying energy of temple spaces and sacred items and places, there is a herby note with a hint of uplifting lemon.
Rose Maroc - The love messenger of Venus and beyond, this renowned healing energy for the heart holds such floral and sweet notes that it naturally assists female motherhood roles beautifully.
With loving intention Inner Chalice supports:
Reclaiming and regaining those forgotten parts of self, that may have been left behind, buried, hidden from childhood and/ or previous lives.
Creating an energy space to explore hopes, aspirations, revelations, emotional and sensual explorations, and honouring the wisdom coming from within your physical body memory.
This energy is very much interwoven with the presence of Mary Magdalene who offers Her gifts to help you reclaim the powers of the Holy Feminine Wombspace. She envelopes you in Truth, Love, Wisdom, Devotion and Service.
From the crystal vibrations imparted from Ruby, Rose Quartz, Blue Lace Agate and a Black moonstone brings through qualities which includes carrying the Divine Love vibration, reharmonising your DNA, and to bring out your Queen codes, balanced with increased communication with self, soothing and bringing forward creations from the void as a reminder of the Divine Goddess connections that you share, and bringing Heaven to Earth.
Communing with the Rose Code Lineage with Mary Magdalene, Isis, Mother Mary and or The Lady of Avalon. Energy Master Merlin is also links through these droplets. For guidance, support and Soul teachings.
Womb wisdom, from first period and womanhood, to ‘Menstrual sacred flows’ and possible motherhood, to resting the womb and becoming wise, these droplets support each stage of the cycle of life of being a woman.
From the support in the cosmos during the lunar eclipse (Venus in alignment with Chiron) this creates a place to surrender, cleanse and clear any deep emotions (moon in Scorpio). Combined this created a flip of a switch for a newer version of ourselves to be embodied.
To connect with the diamond Light rays that were beaming onto the waters, with such clarity and directness this light was so bright. Create this same shape over the sacral chakra, seeing the lower V shape linking in with Mother Earth through you (and the many Nature devas and elementals that were present there) with the above /\ shape, with the star, Venus, and Lunar energies from the Cosmos.
To welcome the healing potential to reach you with gentle encouragement and holding. To celebrate you whether ever you are in your path of becoming.
General suggestions on ‘How to use’.
For an instant connection and Energy top up: Spray Inner Chalice in a rainbow shape three - five times above the crown of your head. As the droplets pass your nose breathe the droplets in towards your heart and sacral areas.
For a deeper connection with Inner Chalice:
Take a few centred breathes and sink your awareness into your heart centre. Create a moment to feel how you want the energies of the droplets to assist. For example, ‘I wish to be connected with the sacred circle of women for me to connect in with my womb memory and ask for healing’ or ‘May I be held in unconditional love of becoming and sing my sensual song’, or’ I ask to connect with the presence of Mary Magdalene to help me reclaim my rose lineage ’. Or alternatively, ‘I wish to celebrate this girl/woman as she reclaims part of herself once more and feels whole’.
Tap the bottle three times underneath to connect with the energy droplets. (Please note, if it the same intention for the whole of the bottle, just set the intention once, alternatively, tap each time there is a new intention).
Say out aloud how you want the droplets to assist (your intention – see above)
Spray an infinity symbol over the sacral area and press these droplets towards your physical body. Alternatively, do this same action on the heart and or throat (depending on where you want the healing energy to go. For any reclaiming from the past, be sure that you create this symbol on the back of your body too (as best as you can reach – or visualise) This creates imprints for the body to remember with.
Pause to receive the energy and any messages, prompts, knowing(s).
You may want to use this essence in the bath, bedtime (for inner womb recall), creative projects or around the body to create an energetic blanket of Love. You may wish to spray into a cupped hand(s), and consciously share the energy around the whole of your physical body, or that of your client/ Partner/ Friend.
This essence is complimentary for all rites of passage, sacred sisterhood circles, healing spaces, breathwork, and treatments to support emotional clearing and moments for wanting to be held energetically.
. Naturally, follow what your inner waters share with you, speak your truth compassionately, and be free to flow wholeheartedly and sing your unique song.
Vibrational contents and ingredients.
Each 100ml bottle contains pure Dartmoor water, glacial alcohol as a preservative.
Water memory from: Maiden Spring, Avalon
Crystal Vibrations from: Ruby, Rose Quartz & Icosahedron, Blue Lace Agate Pyramid, Black Moonstone
Sound: Blackbird & Wren song and 352 Hertz
Other: Pink Pearlescent Womb Bowl, White Onyx Sphinx (as a guardian of sacred places).
Cosmic Occasion: Collected after a total lunar eclipse at The Scorpio full Moon. Venus and Chiron in alignment and Mars in conjunction with Neptune in Pisces.
Fragrance: Damiana, Rose Maroc and Hyssop (less than 1%).
Further Information or advice:
if you would like further information or advice on Inner Chalice Essence, please do not hesitate to contact us.
£20.00 per 100ml bottle plus postage and packaging. To make a purchase please visit our Shop.